Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 2014

"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."
Steve Jobs

AHHH! I'm a week behind schedule! How dare I? Well, in all fairness I was bedridden with a 102 fever and a never ending cough last weekend. If I couldn't move to hold or play with Olivia, which I couldn't, I wasn't about to blog. But I'm better now and have tons to catch up on.

The Quote:
I find this quote appropriate as I change jobs this month (see the New Job section below). Steve Jobs was a brilliant man who did brilliant things. This quote is a great motivator and helps you really think about what you want to be doing and how to get there. It implies that you have control over your own successes, I know I do. 

New Job: 
After 5 years and 7 months at Inverness Counsel, I've finally resigned. There was no opportunity for growth for me there, and in connection with the quote above, my answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row. 

I am extremely lucky that I have been given the opportunity to work for one of the largest global banks with an immeasurable reputation - Deutsche Bank

The role, in particular, is an Administrator/Analyst position with infinite possibilities for advancement, travel, and growth. I will be working with salesmen in the Global Transaction Banking- Alternative Fund Services division. Basically, to clarify, I will be supporting a team of salespeople whose clients are Hedge Funds, Private Equity Funds, and Fund of Funds. 
I've only been there a week and I have learned a great deal already. 

Yesterday, February 8, 2014, we went to look at an apartment in Bayonne, NJ. Although, we
aren't in love with the apartment (it really wasn't bad and will definitely be kept in consideration), we generally like the area. Moving to Bayonne will save us a great deal of money so that we can finally not live paycheck to paycheck which will be a welcome change. We have under 2 months to find a place and move so it's crunch time! All in all, this move will be good for us. 

We will make regular visits back to Astoria to see mom (Mark's mom) and for an occasional greek meal (lol). 

Olivia - OH MY GOODNESS she's growing too fast. She will be 15 months in 9 days! She is so smart. I can't wait to be able to bring her outside more, the cold just needs to go away. 

We are looking forward to starting her in daycare (at least part time) to build her social skills and to give Mark a break. I think she's going to LOVE it too.

I really am looking forward to this year.. she's like a sponge at this age so we get to do so many things to stimulate her mind, which will be a lot of fun! 

The Arakas' - Where do I start? Well, first and foremost, I miss them dearly. I miss holidays and birthdays and just visiting for the heck of it. They moved away from us in 2009. But it's okay, 'cause soon enough we will be in Atlanta too, so we can start traditions all over again. 

When we first met in 2005 I immediately was welcomed. They treated me like family and I appreciated it. Now they are family and they will never get rid of me :o). 

Kim is my big sister and I don't know what I'd do without her, from advice to just being a listener when I really needed it, she's been there for me. I love Nick too, he's always been so sweet and loving toward me.. and assured me that Mark is lucky to have me whenever I needed to hear it. 

I am missing Autumn, Rory, and Jesse grow up... but thank goodness for Facebook and emails because I can watch them grow up from afar. 

Jesse.  I had to break off a Jesse section because there are a few notable memories that I just can't leave out. I instantly fell in love with little Jesse and he loved me too. I will never forget the time when I babysat him for a few hours when he was four. He ate french onion dip out of the container, he even made himself a mustache with it. We turned off the fan, put the sock monkey on the fan, turned on the fan, and laughed hysterically when the monkey flew off... we did this like 25 more times LOL. Then, the most memorable part of that evening, Jesse asked, "Do you want to see my butt? We can go in the kitchen." I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my life... until I got to explain it to Kim and Nick... then I almost couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. 

I was going to keep writing on a few other topics, but I really need to leave something for the next blog and well, in all honestly, I want to spend the rest of my weekend with my favorite person in the entire world, Olivia. 

'Till next time my friends. 

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